WWW: strimmerlab.github.io

January 2025:
MATH27720: Statistics 2: Likelihood and Bayes

January 2024:
MATH27720: Statistics 2: Likelihood and Bayes

September 2023:
MATH38161: Multivariate Statistics and Machine Learning

Welcome to the Strimmer lab!

These pages provide an overview over the teaching and research activities in statistics and data science by Professor Korbinian Strimmer and associates. We are part of the Probability and Statistics group at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Manchester.

CAR regression Gene network Mass spectrum

We are interested in the principles of statistical learning and develop corresponding state-of-the-art methods, models and computational tools. Often these address challenges in the analysis of high-dimensional biomedical data. We aim to make all our output, both in teaching and research, fully accessible and reproducible.