Journal Club "Statistical Genomics" Institut für Statistik/LMU, Seminarraum Tuesday, 10:00 (s.t.)-11:15 3 May 2005: =========== (1) Ulrich Mansmann: A Dobra et al., and M West. 2004. Sparse graphical models for exploring gene expression data. J. Multiv. Analysis. 90:196-212. (2) Korbinian Strimmer: YH Yang, Y Xiao, and MR Segal. 2005. Identifying differentially expressed genes from microarray experiments via statistic synthesis. Bioinformatics 21:1084-1083. 31 May 2005: ============ (1) Christoph Best: R Tibshirani, T Hastie, et al. 2004. Sample classification from protein mass spectrometry, by peak probability contrasts Bioinformatics 20:3034-3044. B Yan, C Pan, VN Olman, RL Hettich and Y Xu. 2005. A graph-theoretic approach for the separation of b and y ions in tandem mass spectra. Bioinformatics 21:563-574